Out Now!

Lovecraftian cosmic horror OLDER GODS is now available on Amazon and all good VOD platforms.

Wagyu Films are a team of film makers striving to produce the best independent genre films available on the market.

After producing over 1000 commercials for global brands, the Wagyu Films crew are looking to produce the best film you have never seen – all crew, camera equipment and post production facilities in house (allowing us to produce high quality films for half the budget of most producers).


Learn more about our feature films in production...


Interested in film making? The production team are regularly uploading behind the scenes videos of pre-production (and eventually production) both on our YouTube channel  and the ‘making of’ section of our website.

The latest short form projects from Wagyu Films...

Watch our recent short films...


Find out more about new upcoming feature films, TV anthologies and short films from the Wagyu Films team.

Join the community

The journey to producing our first film was a long and hard one. What kept us going was the support from our followers, partner and investors – film lovers, film makers, actors, freelancers, creatives, musicians, bloggers, geeks, nerds, lovers, fighters, bakers, shakers and candlestick makers. THANK YOU! 

FOLLOW US for production updates, film making advice, casting calls, crew opportunities, behind the scenes and more!